I was browsing through my friends' blogs when i decided to share my thoughts with the world. I am a reserved person, i don't talk much except with my close friends. Here, i would like to share my mind with the world whoever you are. My point of view might differ from yours. Thus, we can exchange our opinions on any subject matter. Kind of a new kid in the block, therefore, show me the way to more beautiful blogging experience.
Dairy? Blog? What's the difference? Yeah, they have differences! The smilarity would be the function for both diary and blog is the place for people to express their thoughts. Diary would be more enclosed to oneself while blog tells the whole world all about your experience and personality. Scary huh? No worries, insya allah things will be fine.
Oraity, i'm heading towards crappy stuff now.. so, i'll stop here for today :)